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Spring Show & Sale of Cattle 2025

Saturday 8th March 2025

69 Cattle Forward: 54 Store Cattle and 13 Cull Cattle, 2 In-calf Cows.



Kindly Sponsored by Aine Devlin, Agri Lloyd.

Judged by Eric Blacklock, Catterick Garrison












































Small show of Cattle but extremely well supported and trade was exceptional for anything with age or size. More could have been sold to advantage.

Our Champion today came from JS & D Cloughton & Son, only 12-month-old but well grown with shape and sold to £2420 to Lane End Farm Shop, Tong. Followed closely by £2400 again with a Limousin from regular consigner G & P Middleton. S Alderson had a smart pen of young steers and these topped at £2180 followed by £2080. Angus were dominated by T Metcalfe & Son topping at £2220 with 3 lots £2000 and above. C Bell had a Longhorn at £1570 and Simmental at £1520 and 12-month-old Shorthorns from LC Scarr & Son made £1569 & £1540.Heifers were topped with a Limousin from G & P Middleton at £2250 who also had Angus at £2190 & £2100.



1st and Overall, Champion receiving the Barclays Bank Trophy was a Limousin Steer from JS & D Cloughton & Son, Bainbridge selling for £2420

2nd - G & P Middleton, Garsdale, £2400

3rd - S Alderson, Hawes,£1890



1st - G & P Middleton, Garsdale, £2250

2nd - JS & D Cloughton & Son, Bainbridge, £2180

3rd - G & P Middleton, Garsdale, £2190


Leading Prices: Steers:

Limousin – JS & D Cloughton & Son, £2420, G & P Middleton, £2400, S Alderson, £2180, £2080, £1910, £1890, C Stanley, £1795, £1795.

Aberdeen Angus – T Metcalfe & Son, £2220, £2100, £2000, £1990, £1970, C Bell, £1540.

Fleckvieh - C Bell, £1750.

British Blue – SM Iveson, £1700.

Longhorn - C Bell, £1570.

Beef Shorthorn - LC Scarr & Son, £1560, £1540, £1480, £1350.

Simmental - C Bell, £1520

Averaged: £1768


Leading Prices: Heifers: 

Limousin – G & P Middleton, £2250, JS & D Cloughton & Son, £2180, RF & RD Kettlewell, £2090, G & P Middleton, £1980,

OS Laws, £1900, £1400, £1350, AT Pratt, £1800, C Stanley, £1500 x2.

Aberdeen Angus - G & P Middleton, £2190, £2100, T Metcalfe & Son, £2000, £1990, £1960, C Bell, £1000.

British Blue – JF Bowe & Son, 31950, £1780, £1760, £1620, £1580, C Bell, £1540, £1520, £1190, SM Iveson, £1290.

Hereford - C Bell, £1490.

Averaged: £1597


In-calf Cows - RF & RD Kettlewell, £2100 x2.



Cast Bull & Cows set off at a cracking trade with a shapely Simmental Bull from AD Lambert making 234p/kg or £2190. Limousin Cows from Croft Farm Ptns took the top 3 prices with 3 at 326p/kg,310p/kg and 308p/kg. Friesians topped at for J Scarr & Sons, Askrigg.


Continental to 326p/kg, Croft Farm Ptns, Hawes, Av 263.5p/kg

Friesian/Holstein to 218p/kg, J Scarr & Sons, Askrigg, Av 204.5p/kg


Leading Prices: 

Continental - Croft Farm Ptns, £2142, £1807, £1724, S Alderson, £1569, £1356, SD Thomspon, £1460, SE Hunter, £1264,

Cragg & Carr, £1078.

Friesian/Holstein - J Scarr & Sons, £1650, £1326.

Highland Cows - S Troughton, £919, £854 



Simmental - AD Lambert, £2190 (234p/kg)

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